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PA House Reps. Heather Boyd, Lisa Borowski, and Napoleon Nelson.

DELAWARE COUNTY (March 4, 2025) – Members of the American Federation of Teachers in communities stretching from Philadelphia to Allegheny counties took part in a national day of action to inform and activate members of the public about looming federal education cuts that would hurt Pennsylvania students. Nearly 90% of K-12 students in Pennsylvania are enrolled in public schools, many of which benefit from funding and programmatic support from the U.S. Department of Education.


American Federation of Teachers, Pennsylvania (AFT Pennsylvania)’s 41-member Executive Council on Tuesday released its list of endorsed candidates for federal, statewide, and legislative offices across the Commonwealth. AFT Pennsylvania represents 36,000 educators, paraprofessionals, school staff, nurses, charter school employees, community college faculty, and state employees across 64 locals in Pennsylvania and Delaware.


Following is a statement from Arthur Steinberg, president of the American Federation of Teachers Pennsylvania (AFTPA) and the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers (PFT), on Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris' selection of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her vice presidential running mate:


Plymouth Meeting, PA – Arthur Steinberg, President of AFT Pennsylvania, issued the following statement on behalf of the more than 36,000 members of the Commonwealth’s statewide affiliate of the American Federation of Teachers on Friday on the FY 2024-2025 state budget signed into law last night:

“The Fiscal Year 2024-2025 budget contains significant wins for long-underinvested public-school districts as well as for taxpayers. I’m particularly proud that our members, in coalition with public education supporters across the Commonwealth, blocked an expensive, unaccountable new private-school


AFT Pennsylvania General Counsel Irwin Aronson Remarks at No Vouchers Rally as prepared—June 10, 2024


I am Irwin Aronson. I join you today as Counsel to AFT Pennsylvania, a state federation representing 36,000 teachers, paraprofessionals, school staff, higher education faculty and staff, and state workers in 64 local unions, I have the pleasure of counting among our membership the dedicated and committed educators from Pennsylvania’s two largest school districts, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. On behalf of AFT Pennsylvania President, Arthur Steinberg, Secretary/Treasurer, LeShawna Coleman, Our


Remarks at No Vouchers Press Conference as prepared—April 26, 2024

As the President of AFT Pennsylvania, a state federation representing 36,000 teachers, paraprofessionals, school staff, higher education faculty and staff, and state workers in 64 local unions, I have the pleasure of counting among our membership the hardworking educators from Pennsylvania’s two largest school districts, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.

The COVID-19 pandemic shone a light into the inequities in our public education, inequities that, as has been stated, we know to be in violation of Pennsylvania’s


Arthur Steinberg, President of AFT Pennsylvania, issued the following statement on behalf of the more than 36,000 members of the Commonwealth’s statewide affiliate of the American Federation of Teachers on Wednesday following Pennsylvania Senator Lindsey Williams’ announcement that she will introduce a moratorium on cyber charter approvals:


Plymouth Meeting, PA, Tuesday, February 6, 2024 – Arthur Steinberg, President of AFT Pennsylvania, issued the following statement on behalf of the more than 36,000 members of the Commonwealth’s statewide affiliate of the American Federation of Teachers on Tuesday following Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro’s 2024 Budget Address:


Thank you, President Ferritto.

As mentioned, I’m Arthur Steinberg. I am the President of AFT Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania affiliate of the American Federation of Teachers. I offer greetings on behalf of our 36,000 professional and paraprofessional educators into whose nurturing and care we entrust our Commonwealth’s most precious resource, our children, every day, in every community in our state.

The health and safety of our members and of the students entrusted to us has been a paramount concern of our Union for the entirety of my professional career. Beyond the responsibility of my


Arthur Steinberg, President of AFT Pennsylvania, issued the following statement on behalf of the more than 36,000 educators, paraprofessionals, school staff, higher education faculty, and state workers after the Basic Education Funding Commission approved and released Report 2: