Statement by Ted Kirsch, President, AFT Pennsylvania
On Governor Wolf’s Proposed 5 Percent Severance Tax on Natural Gas Extraction
"Gov. Wolf has taken quick and decisive action today to restore state funding to our public schools, which are struggling to provide students with the well-rounded education they need in a competitive job market and global economy.
“Reinvesting in public education isn't just good for children. It is essential to building strong communities and a robust state economy. Gov. Wolf's Marcellus Shale severance tax, modeled after the extraction tax in neighboring West Virginia, is competitive with severance taxes in other natural gas producing states.
“His proposal is the first step toward rebuilding state revenues and restoring funding to public schools. Pennsylvania’s economic growth depends on having educated and capable workers. Reinvesting in public schools is the first step to making sure that our children have the education they need to participate fully in a prosperous economy.”