Millions of Pennsylvanians have already requested a mail in or absentee ballot, and many have already even completed them and have cast their vote. And we hope you're one of them! If not, we've got you covered.
Option 1: Vote by Mail
We're sure you've heard plenty about voting by mail this election. But, despite the lies and disinformation surrounding Vote By Mail, it's safe, secure, and your vote will be counted (albeit not until 8pm on November 3rd). And, given that there will be fewer polling locations open than in years past, there may be long lines. Avoid the lines and vote by mail!
The process is simple:
- Go to
- If you’re a voter with a valid PA Driver’s License or PennDOT ID number, you must use it to apply with this online form.
- If you do not have one of these ID numbers, you will need to provide your last four digits of your Social Security number and upload your signature or download a paper application and mail it to your County Board of Elections. Otherwise, you may visit your local county elections office.
- One you receive your ballot in the mail, follow these instructions (especially using the secrecy envelope and signing & dating the mailing envelope):

If, after receiving your mail in ballot, you decide you'd rather vote in person, you must bring the entire packet you received from your county's Board of Elections with you to the polls so that it may be "spoiled." Otherwise, you will be allowed to vote provisionally (not usually on a machine).
Option 2: Vote By Mail In Person
Many counties now have satellite election board offices where voters can go to request their mail in ballot in person and/or drop off their voted ballot. These offices also typically have private areas where voters can fill out their ballot on site. Check here for the location and hours of your county's election board offices. You will also find the location of secure ballot drop boxes in your county.
Option 3: Vote in Person on November 3rd.
If you're planning to vote in person on November 3rd, make sure you wear a mask, bring hand sanitizer, and maintain physical distance from the people around you. Leave yourself enough time to stand in line. Your polling location may change, so keep an eye on your county election board's website.