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AFTPA supports fair and adequate state education funding

AFTPA urges the legislature to enact the recommendations of the Basic Education Funding Commission for a formula that provides school districts with fair, adequate and predictable state education funds. Read the union's position on adequately funding public education throughout the commonwealth here. 


The conventional wisdom that young workers don’t care about pensions was turned on its ear by the Great Recession. A Towers Watson survey found that people under 40 are working for and staying with employers that provide defined benefit (DB) pensions. Find out why retirement security matters to younger employees, too. 


In 2012, Gov. Corbett signed Act 82, requiring the Secretary of Education to establish a new, statewide rating system for evaluating teachers and principals. The teacher rating system goes into effect in September 2013, and we are waiting for PDE to release details of how the new system will work. Click below to learn what Act 82 says. 


Most Pennsylvanians don't know that school, college and other public employees contribute to their pensions or that defined-benefit pensions like the ones PSERS and SERS members have are more less expensive for taxpayers and keep retired public employees off of public assistance. Read more AFTPA Pension Talking Points and share the information with friends, family members, co-workers and lawmakers.