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"Standing in the library of an Overbrook elementary school, Gov. Tom Wolf on Wednesday announced the state would spend $4.3 million to help remove lead paint from Philadelphia public schools.
Including the millions the state paid last year to complete such projects, that means Pennsylvania has allocated almost $12 million to fixing environmental hazards in the Philadelphia School District.
“No parent should have to worry about the health risk of sending their child to school, and no student should be at risk from lead paint,” said Wolf, who was flanked by city and state lawmakers.
The governor

A push to raise the state's minimum teacher salary has become a bipartisan effort, but it appears to not be enough to ensure a key piece of Gov. Tom Wolf's budget proposal will make it into the final version of the spending document.


York Vocational Technical Support Staff has ratified a five-year contract that provides for annual raises, increased longevity pay and a small deductible increase in the 2020-21 school year.


After years of declining state funding, waste and corruption, the Scranton School District has been made a "recovery district" by the state. With a recovery plan due in May, there's talk of closing schools in the financially struggling, impoverished district. But members of the Scranton Federation of Teachers have joined with community leaders to demand adequate and fair funding. Read more and sign a petition here.


Food insecurity is the state of being unable to obtain a sufficient amount of healthy food on the daily basis. Nationally, 12.9 percent of the population are food insecure. In Pennsylvania 12.5 percent of the population fits the category, but in the City of Pittsburgh an alarming 21 percent of residents are food insecure.


UPDATED: Bills we are watching


Every year, state legislators propose more than 2,000 pieces of legislation. A fraction of those bills become laws. AFTPA's legislative director watches bills that have the potential to affect our members. The bill chart provides links to bills AFTPA is watching, the name of the prime sponsor, a brief description and AFTPA's position. The chart is updated regularly. Click here to view or download AFTPA's Legislation Tracker.