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What You Can Do To Protect Your Pension

Sign up for electronic legislative alerts from AFTPA
Make sure AFTPA has your personal email address to receive news about attacks on our pensions and action alerts.
• Use the email signup on the right side of our home page.
• Make sure your union leaders have phone numbers for your union phone tree messages.
Call and email your state legislators
Check out the Protect Our Pensions Web page under the Actions & Events tab to identify your state senator and representative, get their email address and office phone numbers and to write and call them to urge them to preserve PSERS and SERS retirement systems. 
Want to do more? Write letters to the editors of local newspapers. Call radio and TV talk shows on the subject and speak to co-workers, neighbors and friends. We will be posting sample letters on the website throughout the legislative session.
Stay Informed
Visit our website regularly for information on pensions and other key legislative issues. Connect with AFTPA on Facebook and Twitter to share information, read news articles and exchange  ideas on pension and other education and legislative issues.
Support CSPE - AFTPA's new political action committee
The Committee to Support Public Education is AFTPA's political action arm. The Committee to Support Public Education helps educate and elect candidates who will vote with us on key issues. 
Build Relationships with Legislators
Contact your local president or political director to set up in-district meetings with your state senators and representatiives to discuss issues important to your students, members and communities.

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