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2023 AFT PA Convention

2023 AFT Pennsylvania Education Champion Awards

Our tradition every year is to honor the outstanding work of local union leaders, educators, paraprofessionals, and school staff with awards recognizing their excellence. This year, we will host our first ever AFT Pennsylvania Education Champions Awards Celebration.

AFT Pennsylvania delegates seated at opening session of the 2023 AFT Pennsylvania Biennial Convention

View photo highlights from the AFT Pennsylvania 2023 Biennial Convention!


Congratulations, AFT Pennsylvania

2023-2025 Executive Council!

AFTPA 2023-2025 Executive Council

AFT Pennsylvania Biennial Convention

2023 – Philadelphia, PA                       Nominations & Elections Report

                                                               President                                                 Arthur Steinberg

                                  Executive Vice President                                       Nina Esposito-Visgitis

                                                               Treasurer                                            LeShawna Coleman



Welcome to the 2023 AFT Pennsylvania Biennial Convention in Philadelphia, PA!

Follow the agenda for the entire weekend here!


Outstanding Leadership Award

The Outstanding Leadership Award is presented to a building representative, local union officer, organizing or bargaining committee member who has gone above and beyond the call of duty in their local's fight for a fair contract, initial organizing, defeating anti-union activity by management, and/or protecting members' rights. Awards by size of local.

Small Local | Mid-Size Local | Large Local | New Organizing

Member Engagement Awards


Recognizes a current member responsible for initiating action and motivating coworkers, organizing a new union or